Technology-facilitated trafficking - Red flags


This tool is to inform about the increasing use of technology in the act of human trafficking. The tool inlcudes indicators on the topic.

It has become evident that trafficking in human beings increasingly takes place by the use of technology in one way or the other. To reduce the risk of potential victims being overlooked, it is vital for The Danish Centre against Human Trafficking and other relevant actors to keep up to date with the modus of traffickers. The Danish Centre against Human Trafficking has therefore developed a short tool with indicators of trafficking.

The tool is specifically targeted the financial sector, tech-companies, the cyber police, and other authorities who work with technology or digitalization in various contexts, who encounter either misuse of their platforms to exploit people or who might be able to disrupt recruitment or exploitation as part of their work. It has been made in consultation with a network of private companies and public authorities. 

The tool includes indicators of trafficking separated into three categories: behavioral indicators, financial indicators, and know-your-customer-indicators and recruitment, coercion, and surveillance indicators. To provide context, three cases have been incorporated, where different types of exploitation and a number of the indicators from the list appear.